
Monday, April 8, 2024

The forest was shrinking

 The forest was shrinking

but the trees kept voting for the axe.

The axe was clever and convinced the trees

His handle was made of wood

he was one of them

(Turkish proverb)

(Turkish proverb)

Nothing bothers a man more than to see he has aided his own undoing.

No one is more justly liable to suffer than those who furnish their enemies with any kind of assistance. It is generous to forgive; it is ingrained in every mind through  religion to love our enemies; but he that trusts an enemy, much more contributes to the strengthening and arming of him, may almost depend upon repenting him for his inadvertent benevolence: and has, moreover, this to add to his distress, that when he might have prevented it, he brought his misfortunes upon himself by his own credulity.

Its just like, "Give me an inch, & I will take it all.".

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