
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

**Title: The Mayor's Humble Ride**


 **Title: The Mayor's Humble Ride**


It was an ordinary morning, much like any other, as I set out for the office. The sun was just casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of Nabarangpur,Odisha. However, on this particular day, fate had something unexpected in store for me. With my official car driver indisposed due to illness, I found myself in need of transportation to office.

As I made my way down to the main road from my street, I noticed a lone bike approaching from a distance on the main road. Without hesitation, I waved to the rider from a distance, hoping to get a lift  in reaching my destination.

To my relief, the rider, a simple man in his fifties, had already slowed down to a stop as he reached me. With a kind smile, he offered to give me a lift on his bike. Grateful for his generosity, I accepted his offer and climbed onto the back of the bike.

Before starting the journey, the man ensured that I was seated securely, adjusting my position with care and consideration. I marked his gesture as it spoke volumes about his character, embodying a sense of warmth and hospitality that was both unexpected and endearing.

As we set off down the road, I couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of the moment. Here I was, a high-ranking corporate professional, sharing a ride with a stranger who exuded a sense of humility and kindness that was truly remarkable.

Throughout the journey, conversation flowed effortlessly between us. The man listened intently as I shared details about my work and responsibilities, his curiosity piqued by the world of corporate life. In return, he shared snippets of his own experiences, offering insights into the daily life of the people of Nabarangpur,Odisha.

As we neared my office, the man brought the bike to a stop and turned to me with a smile. With genuine interest, he asked for my name, expressing a desire to visit me at my workplace sometime in the future. I was taken aback by his sincerity, touched by his willingness to extend friendship beyond our brief encounter on the road.

Before parting ways, a sense of curiosity overcame me, and I couldn't resist asking the man about his own identity and occupation. To my surprise, he revealed modestly that he was the Mayor of Nabarangpur district town,Odisha.

I was stunned. Here was a man of such humble demeanour, occupying a position of significant authority and influence within the area. Yet, throughout our journey together, he had never once mentioned his status or designation, choosing instead to focus on ensuring my comfort and well-being.

As I bid farewell to the Mayor and made my way into the office, his words and actions lingered in my mind. In a world where ego and self-promotion often reigned supreme, his humility stood out as a beacon of light, illuminating the path towards a more compassionate and genuine form of leadership.

In the days that followed, I found myself reflecting on the lessons learned from my encounter with the Mayor. His example served as a powerful reminder that true greatness was not measured by titles or accolades or the power we wield, but by the way we treat others and the impact we have on their lives.

Inspired by his humility and sincerity, it dawned in my mind that great persons are different from others. I made a conscious effort to embody those qualities in my own interactions with others.

And so, as I look back on that fateful morning, I am filled with gratitude for the unexpected encounter that changed my perspective forever. The Mayor's humble ride had taught me a valuable lesson in humility, reminding me that true greatness lies not in what we achieve for ourselves, but in how we uplift and serve those around us.

By-Sunil Kumar Pathak