
Friday, March 1, 2024

The lost Love

You weathered the storm with me,

You walked hand in hand with me,

I had dreams together of scaling another world with you,

The promises we had made for each other ,

The time we had shared together, we sang the song in unison,

I never cried before you, but wiped your tears,

I had my dreams for you, but the storm has died down,

The nature continuing to bestow all the largesse 

The river still flowing nonchalantly in its stream,

The gentle breeze continues to blow past our ears,

The bees are still humming around lovely flowers,

The birds are still chirping at our backyards,

The ocean continues to touch the horizon,

What has made you change your course:

Why you could not hold to your promise,

I saw the rain, but not the rainbow,

The spectrum of colours are missing from my life,

You tried to be with me, when in your heart was elsewhere,

The world is not meant to be mine any more,

You made me quite adrift,alienated from the world around me,

But you made me strong to ward off the storm and learn the life.  

By----Sunil kumar Pathak

A poem written by me in 2014.

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