
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Echoes of Life: Stories That Shape Us


All of us tell stories about ourselves..Maza-Dohta

We carry a bagful of stories with us, wrapped in different emotions of life.  The tale of someone's life begins before they are born. Stories one has gone through define us, not years of life spent. Everyone's story is different based on their trials, tribulations, and turning points that have tested him/her in life. They aren't just like that because they want to be. There was something in the past that created them, and made them what they are today. 

 To know someone well is to know his/her story—the experiences that have sculpted  them, the trials, and the moments of truth that have tested them. We share stories of our childhoods, our families, our school years, our first loves, the development of our political views, our struggles, and so on.  Without a compelling story that lends meaning, unity, and purpose to our lives, we feel lost and rudderless.  There are countless moments, which we turn into countless stories. Stories have the  incredible power to make us alive.

One of the finest quotes I have come across in recent times conveys the saga of life in a few words. It's a very meaningful quote with deep, hidden meaning. The wooden frame chosen adds luster to words.

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