
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Embracing Balance in Life's Ups and Downs


However, as Shakespeare advises, there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. If we can refrain from making negative judgments about our daily life events, we can liberate ourselves from a lot of unnecessary suffering.

The stock market crash can be a good event or a bad event?  Some people may  think it's bad because the value of their wealth  has eroded , and some people think the crash is a boon for them because they can start picking up fallen shares at lower prices.

    It is because reality itself is neutral and we give it meaning through our mind/perception.  Similarly a falling rain is a reality and it's our perception that makes it bad or good. Same goes with the stock market bull run or bear run.               

             Our day at work wasn’t good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Okay, annoying things happen from time to time, but if we can change our perception towards things ,then we can change ourselves. And usually for the better!

Another way to understand why this concept is true is to realize not everyone will see something in the same way.

Nothing is inherently good or bad in this universe. We have the ability to create a duality of good and bad through our minds.

So was the game good or bad? Was I right that the game was good? No of course not, it was from my perspective that the game was good in the same way that it’s from your perspective that the game was ‘bad’.

If something was ‘set in stone’ good or bad then whenever something happened, we’d all respond in the same way, does this make sense?

If we want to experience less pain and frustration in life then it is wise to adopt a neutral standpoint towards everything. This doesn’t mean that you have a cold heart and have no emotional involvement in anything.

It just means you respect your mental well-being enough to realize that getting tied up in the ‘good & bad’ polarity will cause more “bad” than “good.”

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