
Monday, March 18, 2024

Essence of Sunglasses


Sunglasses mask the wearer's eyes and thus allow less information for others to read emotions and expressions. This gives the wearer a sense of unpredictability and power that leads to more confidence.

There are several different expressions that all include movements of the eyelids and brow. A lot of these micro expressions and different facial expressions like fear, surprise, disgust,disgust and sadness are either hidden or made ambiguous by wearing sunglasses.

They add a sophistication to our personalities that is easy to pull off.  Sunglasses always hide a multitude of sins.  Allowing you to stare at people without getting caught. Putting on a new pair of glasses or sunglasses is a simple way to completely transform your look.  Once you begin to see it, you’ll need sunglasses to combat the glare.  ”wearing sunglasses gives you mysterious kooks 

 Sunglasses give us a degree of anonymity, so shy and inhibited people can do things that they might not otherwise have done.  Topless sun basking at sea beaches by bespectacled women is a classic example ,where women get freedom to express themselves, as this gives them the power of anonymity.  It's a big turn on for women at sea beaches to feel in control.

Sunglasses are like red-lipsticks, they change everything. As the Mandy Bryant Bear quote states, a pair of sunglasses are one of the most elegant and chic adornments, they add a high tone to your personality.

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