
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Emanicipation of a woman

Women are sui generis in their own way and need to come out of the mental subjugation fettered on them by societal norms. They need to wield their role. However, women still lack the stronger sense of “yes” when it comes to their right to freely enhance and shape their sexual performances, in whatever frequency or intensity they desire, and for any non-immoral purposes, without enduring any social or emotional condemnation.


Some of the issues that impede a strong sense of “yes” in response to women's sexuality concern society's estimation of, for example, the extent of women's sexuality, the reward they can or should get for their sexuality, and their leeway in choosing their sexual partner. Whatever the views on these issues are, it is obvious that men’s right to say “yes” is much stronger and granted more dignity. A major impediment to women’s ability to say a strong “yes” is the humiliation they might experience if they were to express their sexuality in the way they want. Instead, our society, including its legal system, imposes on women various prices in the form of social humiliation for exercising their sexuality.


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