
Monday, March 18, 2024

Memoirs on leaving New Delhi


My memoirs on leaving New Delhi

लग रहा है जैसे कुछ छूट रहा हो ,वो यादें,वो हसीन पल , कहीं कुछ छूटा ना हो पल अब एक दास्तां में बदल रहा है लग रहा है कि जैसे वक़्त बीत गया है   है, पर लम्हा ठहर गया  है l"😔" वो लम्हा अब एक दास्तां में बदल रहा है

कैसे भूल जाउ वो हसीन पल , वो यादें जो दिल के एक कोने में दर्ज हो गया है। लगता है जैसे कल की बात हो क्या कोई शहर और लोग इतना अपने लग सकते हैं सोचा धा। 

It has been rightly said about Delhi that once you have lived in the city  for any length of time, you belong to this place . There is no escape.

Even though there is so much at stake  to your career, identity, social life, earning potential, and dreams for the future. You feel  inextricably linked with the chaos, fate, and opportunities of a city life. 

In this stint I have spent about two years  in my company at  Delhi .  A city my heart has grown so close to. In this city I have struggled and worked my way up. I believe if  you put your 100% to any work things will start to fall in places.  I can’t even begin to describe how sad I am to be leaving this wonderful place and people.

It is definitely a situation with many mixed feelings.It is said that when you leave a beautiful place, you carry it with you wherever you go and leave a part of yourself. We also leave a presence in a place even when we are no longer there. Beautiful memories always travel with you.

 कोई किसी जगह से जाता है, पर असलियत में चला नहीं जाता,रहता है कई तरीकों से रहता है यादों के सहारे अपनो के साथ।वो अपने साथ ले जाता है बहुत सारी यादें और छोर जाता है अपने आप को।

It felt sad to leave the company of colleagues one worked for 6 years with. The feeling within gets doubled ,when your worth is acknowledged by all where you work .The  spontaneous connection gets reflected in the eyes of people who adore you not only due to your professionalism but also due to your impeccable character and how you leave an indelible imprint in the hearts of the people around you.

It was not an usual farewell but the bond I developed with each other was quite perceptible . The rush to touch my feet defying official protocol by colleagues could have moistened anybody's eyes. During the last month I received floods of requests from all to change my decision of quitting. This was not due to my requirement of work for the company , but more to do with my bond with each of my colleagues.

It's not the goodbye that hurts. It's the flashbacks and the memories that follow..🌺🌹💖

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