
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Fly High



The riddle deciphers that one should be in the big league that benefits them and try not to get into many things that are of no importance or detrimental to their growth. 

If one chooses to be a duck, one is choosing to follow the crowd and do the ordinary. When people are ducks, they cannot be leaders. They just reconcile with life and situations and never try to make a turnaround. They never fly too high, because they plum to stay in safe environs. 


On the other hand, if one plumps for the life of  an eagle,it means one is ambitious and wants to soar in life.  One feels privileged to have the life of an eagle. Eagle is a wild bird & depends on its hunting abilities to survive in the most inhabited places. 


A successful person just writes their story differently and doesn't live on ordinary stories 


But when you hide your feelings because you fear how others will react, you end up denying your own experience.  A helping hand is not the one that carries others to the top, it is one that gives a gentle nudge or “push” towards success.  Like Iqbal’s poetry, “Live in the world like an eagle and like an eagle, die.”


Stay with the Eagles if you want to wing your way up, or live around ducks if you want to quack!! The choice is yours . Associate with positive ones and dissociate with negative ones.”

There are many eagles flying around or above you—the one with a sharp mind, the one with determination, the one with planning, the one with a powerful mind and foresight, and the one that stands above all with his/her good deeds. Be with them to get inspired; read their stories for guidance and inspiration; have dreams like them to move forward in life; get out of your comfort zone to fly above a heavy storm


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