
Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Heart




Grief makes you brave. When you meet your worst case scenario, you realize you have nothing left to lose."  A broken heart can make you wise.  But the truth is, wisdom is found in the trenches.  A broken heart can make you feel sort of crazy, but that “upside down” feeling you get when life takes a violent and unexpected left turn is really just a recalibrating of priorities, a drastic move from truth to fiction, a growing up from naive to experienced and wise.


A broken heart increases your confidence.  The truth is, there’s nothing like proving to yourself that you can do something terribly hard that you never thought you could do to increase your confidence in yourself.  Heartbreak gives you the determination, the tenacity, the gumption, and just the plain guts to say things you never would have said otherwise, to put to words, to colors, or to action things that would have otherwise stayed stuck inside of you forever.


 Let it become a catalyst to change your life and leave your past behind. Allow it to ignite your imagination and inspire you to take chances. It’s so often what we don’t do that we end up regretting the most. Memories and scars that are troubling you now get  stitched together by those who help you heal.


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