
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Jewels of friendship


Good friends are like jewels and we have to choose,  which one  can be really our friends and which ones are only guided by selfish interest, so we have to spend time choosing them. When we have these jewels then  they are to be treasured. We must cultivate & nourish relationships because honest good friends are seldom found.

A true friend is thoughtful, compassionate, interested in sharing good and bad times and experiences. Friends care for each other, are loyal and trustworthy, and protect each other from disappointments or injuries whenever possible. Such relationships are difficult to find and it takes time for one person to demonstrate that s/he is willing to fulfill these roles for another. Therefore, considering someone as a "friend" is something that should be done slowly.

One should apply  caution against considering a new acquaintance as a friend in haste, and move even more slowly in choosing a friend once one is found.

Once the relationship of "friend" is established and proven, however, it should be treasured and sustained. Changing friends involves taking the risk that a new friend might prove to not have the qualities of an old friend. Because of that risk, making a move to change a friend should be approached very slowly and thoughtfully.